Wednesday, August 3, 2011

August Means Truth: Chapter One: The Search For What's Hidden

As Jessica pointed out:  I kinda look like my mom here.  WELL YA if my mom was 30 and addicted to heroine and cheap lipstick…I totally look like my mom!!!....and THAT makes it hot!

So I just realized and juliet have the login ids for each other's accounts but not our own.  

(do you know?!...  do you know how god damn fucking hard it is to read someone's email password....from FROM INSIDE FUCKING THEIR HEAD?!?!?  
Bitches I'm sorry...i do not mean to fucking complain.  but it was dark as a nigger's titty in their and hot as her cooch!  ...and god damnit i just about took a giant shit in her brain just to FUCK with her that cunty ....)

Ok so what you need to know right now... is that THAT was not me!  he doesn't speak...i mean he does...but he's not allowed to....but sometimes... sometimes when it's late....and under the influence...of some thing or other...he uh...makes a grab for the wheel...or tries to steal the key from the guard...(bribes the guard with DRUGS actually! lol)  ....and uh...that was him JUST there.    And no he's not the biggest fan of J-girl.  But for some reason he LOVES me... 

Anyways, (and speak of the devil) ahem...anyways, the thing about reading people's that ... well it's impossible.  It's impossible for PEOPLE to read someone's mind.  I however, have my little friend.  And I hereby refer to him as my friend because... wherefore should I tempt and beckon the day when i would call him my enemy?...A rose by a better name smells must me!

So without further ado Ladies and Gentlemen I hereby...and i really hope i don't regret this...introduce to you...go ahead..."(the guy who writes in the parenthesis!!!)"...The Guy Who Writes In The Parenthesis...

seriously dude?...that's seriously what you wanna be called from here on out...did ya think this one over?

(Mall Rat you shut the fuck up you over-ripe pussy nugget!)

Ok THIS is what I've been PUTTING UP with my WHOLE life.  Or at least since 1986.

(TG W Witp.  Or Just Witp's fine.  Like W-I-T.  The p is silent.) actually made The Guy Who Writes In The Parenthesis into an acronym.  TGWWITP.  wow.  i guess careful thinking doesn't lead to good decisions after all.   

(how'd that lame ass joke FEEL coming out your ass A-girl?  still got a little string of it hanging from that slutty little skirt ms. thang?!  why you don't just go ahead and start fucking congressmen for a living is beyond me...)
(...wHoOOwhEEee!! look at them panties!  eh don't stop their girl! yeah!....let's see ya say peek-a-boo...)

ok so I swear to god this is not actually ok with me...and i've mentioned this before ya know…but… and yet...he doesn't really give a damn.  must just make him smile I don’t know.  Just can not help it...  but he can f-in help it he just doesn’t WANT to… 
...this is a director's note: from Wikipedia: "once such an individual gives "voice" to one of his or her alter egos, the alter ego chosen gets the opportunity to hold the power of "voice"  An ambitious imp will do almost anything to maintain psychic control over his host including drugging, poisoning, and physically attacking or causing injury to the host..." 
back to your scheduled programming... 
So you probably wanting to know why I keep him around right?  

He helps me.  When I need to know things...things that are hidden... he can go into the hidden places and bring back what I need to know...

He's really very useful.

You'll see.