Tuesday, July 26, 2011

juliet had to go
find her own romeo
i'm not gonna kill myself this time
i'm gonna save myself

wow i say when i am sober
wow i say when the party's over
now is when the hours are peeling
how is it to walk through a feeling
feeling myself know
that all of this...is about to go
ya know?

ya know the one...
red head in the water
breaking rules and saving sailors
she was the best siren ever

even prince thinks so!


each morning i make sure to rinse my mouth with a mixture of mouthwash, water, and the ashes of fake money.  then i eat 1/4 of a dollar bill (i'm on a diet) for my breakfast.

try it
try them both
see which one is for you
cause there's only 2 kinds of spiritual people in this world.  and we're all the children of both of them.  but some of us take more after our mother.  some of us our father.  now now children...there's no need to fight..mommy and daddy love each other

and then i smoke some shit and gargle with...mouthwash, water, the ashes of fake money, and your half hour old spit!  my half hour old spit...

and you thought time wasn't real!
the 4th dimension wasn't real
and it's falling
"i'm falling mama!"
...one day at a time.

"as the world turns.....

fight for me 

in "the days of our lives

protect me

because the days are ending one moment

at a time, and a house in flying

you too

to the other end of time

wait till you look out the window, my queen.

and you'll see...
there's people
all around.

they're watching and they're waiting
they're kind of irritating
a thousand watts 'lectricity
to show you who you ought to be

...\to be con't....
(maybe..if i feel like it...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

That Dilapidated Cottage

 "You ask me how I can love you because you see yourself as that dilapidated cottage.  But I can see through the windows and the many cracks in its walls.  I can smell you and have breathed the air you breathe through them and it fills me with such joy because the phoenix which resides there is the most beautiful wonder I have ever laid eyes on.  I hope that this creature will spreads its wings and with the fire of you being burn away this worn down cottage, and soar with flaming wings up, that all can partake of your beauty." – a text from brenden: july 4, 2009.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


The first time ...the FIRST (shhhh) "I'm sorry i'm sorry" ...he's helping me to be more polite).  Okay.  but like i was saying....the very FIRST time he ever tried to hang out in my house...he maced his cock!  What ARE the metaphorical implications of this!?

Now it's not quite as crazy as it sounds.  Let me explain.

We were at my house.  And he grabbed the can of mace he gave me cause it had leaked.  He’s a clean freak.  He has ocd.  So he decides to use his thumb to wipe of the excess mace off the can.  

Then he went to the bathroom and washed the spilled mace off his thumb.  Then he took a piss.
"Oh My God Oh My GOD!"  In he runs into my room with his cock out and his pants unzipped.  Did I mention I have roommates.....

...TO BE FUCKIN' CONTINUED BITCHES...oh ya...then he picked his nose...i know!!!